Finding Your Rainbow Program 
Charlotte, North Carolina

A rainbow baby is the understanding that the beauty of a rainbow does not negate the ravages of the storm. When a rainbow appears, it doesn't mean the storm never happened of that the family is not still dealing with the aftermath

Baby Shepherd

“With this sweet rainbow baby we have found that there is hope and even the darkest of moments can be redeemed. With our first miscarriage my husband ran from the pain and didn’t grieve and wanted to fix me. It made things so much harder. With our second loss we both learned that grieving was necessary and in order to experience the greatest of joys, we must also allow ourselves to experience the aches and deep pain of the darkest moments. Today we walk in the joy and hope of what is to come. We still feel the sting of loss but the rainbow is a promise of the joy to come… and we are beyond grateful and blessed to have this miracle arriving in just 2 months! The road here has been so so difficult. I think the secondary infertility was worse than the years of infertility before we got pregnant the first time. But here I am typing this while I feel this little guy moving wildly in my belly, and the pain and anguish and desperation I felt during the season of longing and waiting seems to fade and feel like years ago because of this beautiful rainbow on the horizon that I will never stop thanking God for. It will never be lost on me the miracle I have in this baby. I recognize so many are waiting on their miracle right now and this breaks me inside over and over. May my journey help me love those better than I ever could if I had never experience the pain of loss and waiting. 

Finding your Rainbow Program Application 

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